Best practices for securing video storage and collaboration

Video conferencing has become essential for most organizations today. Most businesses rely on them for essential operations such as meetings, onboarding, and training. If you're part of a remote team, chances are, you use tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Slack daily.

However, if you've recorded videos of these meetings, you'll need to organize, store and share them safely; otherwise, you risk losing sensitive information to unauthorized parties. It can also get tremendously frustrating to navigate or share these videos when needed.
Whether working on a collaborative project as part of a team or simply sharing recorded video meetings, prioritize secure video storage and collaboration.

If you're looking for a way to store and share your work videos safely, we've got you covered. In this blog, we'll look at a few best practices for sharing video content that you can follow to ensure smooth, easy, and secure sharing.

Use a secure video storage tool

Let's be real – handling video recordings of work meetings is daunting. Also, searching for these videos can be frustrating and limits productivity. Besides, nobody wants to miss important details from meetings you've missed, or worse, meetings you've attended!

Several secure and popular video storage platforms, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and unlisted Youtube links, provide an excellent way to store videos. Tools like Spiti help with secure video storage and powerful collaboration capabilities designed to organize, share, and collaborate videos quickly and securely.

Spiti is designed for organizations that want to collaborate and share video content with team members or customers without compromising security. It's also fast and easy to use, making it easy to collaborate on internal videos regardless, especially for remote and distributed teams.

Set restrictions, but ease access

One of the best practices for sharing video recordings of work meetings starts with reviewing your current restriction and blockages to access.

For instance, an organization could start reviewing its policies to allow them to train employees on how to handle sensitive videos — what should be shared and with whom. This could also include giving specific responsibilities on who gets to record meetings. In most organizations, the meeting host or the organizer is usually responsible for recording and editing the recordings. But this depends on the organization and the policies in place.

As a rule of thumb, setting restrictions and enabling controlled access to your videos is recommended. You are controlling who can view, edit, and share your videos. By limiting access to only authorized users, you can ensure that your content is kept safe while ensuring the right people have easy access. With Spiti, there are multiple ways to ensure who has access to your content — both internally and with folks outside your organization.

  • Spiti Connect: to share playlists in a controlled manner with other organizations, for instance: your customer or potential customer.
  • Shared playlists: share specific videos and playlists with a few folks within your organization, for instance, 1:1 with your team members.
  • Unlisted playlists: just like an unlisted YouTube video, except you can share entire playlists with someone with an unlisted link. For instance, add marketing emails, blogs, and lead-generation engines.

Implement security and privacy protocols

Sometimes, these videos can contain sensitive information such as financial data, intellectual property, or personal information. Ensuring a secure connection, storage, sharing, and access is important.

Hackers or other unauthorized users can intercept videos shared over unsecured internet connections. One way to achieve cloud security and privacy when sharing videos is by using a VPN.

A VPN provides a secure and private connection that ensures the shared content's safety and security. Fortunately, there are many affordable VPNs that will provide you with a secure internet connection, allowing you to share your content safely.

Organize your content meaningfully

Storing your videos is only one half of the story — organizing and securely sharing them is the other. Organizing and safely sharing your video recordings is as important as storing them. One way to ensure that your videos are easily searchable and accessible is by using a product like Spiti that auto-transcribes all your videos.

Consistently naming your videos and adding descriptions and speaker labels helps you quickly search for something. Using a standard naming convention can help you search for specific videos and within a video using keywords or phrases from the video or any video in your Spiti workspace.

Today, sharing work videos is easier and faster. With a secure video storage platform like Spiti, you are guaranteed easy and fast sharing of videos for collaboration with other team members. It's secure, easy to use, and accessible from anywhere.